Thursday, July 25, 2019

Bad Spectrum, Bad Syfy

It took just ten minutes of browsing Spectrum's guide, after not viewing cable for a couple of years, at least, for me to decide that I miss nothing it has to offer and I would rather not waste my time with it. Not even considering the money. Anyway, staying at Jackson's place allows me to explore the service and I am not even not impressed, I am ignoring it. Seriously background TV, as in, background noise. Then there is Syfy, a channel that has very little to do with Science Fiction, so the name change finally makes sense. I found what might have been science fiction, something called Atomica. Soap opera acting, almost pedophilic, definitely voyeuristic sexism, and a whole lot of scientific ignorance. What can be expected from a pretend Sci-Fi channel that pushes mostly bad horror shtick.

This is the first impression. An hour into the film, not much changed. From the motorcycle helmet to the golf shots, it's just wrong. Dragging a body sideways on sand? Sure, anyone with supermodel muscles (meaning lack thereof) can do that, right? Maybe it was hydraulic, and how long without food or water in radiation? What sort of radiation? Where are these people, anyway? Maybe I was nodding off when they explained what the "Red Zone" is and what planet they are on. And first time at a power plant for the supermodel facilities engineer, but she's also a doctor and scientist and she's whatever else the plot line needs? The people who wrote and made this film obviously were not.

Take her first task, getting the communications back up, seems to be forgotten. Then the guy goes from super creepy mysterious all-knowing to super needy hapless back to super creepy mysterious and in-charge. And back and forth. The men need full-out space-contamination suits, the sexy supermodel wears a skin tight body suit and a motorcycle helmet. So many other contrived situation and ultimately, ignorance. Hold out your finger so I can carefully chop it off and naturally, instant cauterization so no extensive bleeding. The list can go on all night. Suspending believe is part of science fiction. Suspending logic, not so much.

On a cable TV note, I never understood the business plan of cable. I mean, I understand it from the cable company's perspective, but it appears to screw the consumer and there are supposed to be laws and regulations to protect consumers. They charge a heck of a lot of money, yet they still sell commercials like network TV. So they double dip into our pockets and nobody thinks that is wrong? Network TV puts on plenty of shows without charging, so why does cable get to get a by on monopolizing our money?

Anyway, back to the really bad TV,,, so why, by the end of the film, am I at all interested in a sequel? I read Charlese Theron may be in it. Maybe she will insist on more authenticity, logic, continuity, story and character depth, less pandering to male voyeurism, and fewer exploitative sexism, near nudity, and butt-crack shots.

The things we do to pass the time on days off, aye? lol lam...

Narf :)

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