Friday, January 17, 2020

Did I Mention Supergirl Before?

I am generally disappointed by comic stories because writers rarely, if ever, have the imagination to reach for the potential of comics. Too often, they succumb to cliches, the same old tropes, the same old ignorance, the same old delusions that humanity accepts as reality and truth. As if it is the only possible reality and truth.

I'll get one of the most obvious distractions from following the story out of the way up front. It is tough to look at any futuristic Sci-Fi with all the 20th-21st century make-up piled on every face. Especially when it's too obvious.

Truth is, I really want to like Supergirl, in spite of it drooling soap opera drama, illogically constructed story lines, and contrived plot twists to resolve conflicts created by the ridiculously blind and insensitive moments that supposedly genius characters create only to pray for some higher power to save them or fix them or guide them or whatever. So rarely do we imagine a reality that is anything other than the standard age old human beliefs. I mean, why do we read books or watch movies or TV, to see the same stories we live around us? Where is imagination?

So I am binge watching four seasons of Supergirl.

I don't know if I can look past the third grade dialogue and not much more mature emotional development of the characters to keep watching. Some of he decisions are just so stupid, so selectively ignorant, so ingrained with ultra-fear-based bible-belt small mindedness, so underdeveloped, contrived, unaware, virtually blindly unconscious. So much co-dependency, it's practically clinical. All the embarrassed giggling, the cluelessness, the self-centered way-too over-emotional ten second attention span. I don't think they are even reaching for a high school audience. It's so prepubescent at times, and maybe it reaches the level of tweens. Amazing, really, most DC comic books are more mature, logical, and better written.

The eye candy is keeping me watching, looking up from time to time, the overall comic story keeping me listening, with one ear. The tweeny soap opera is tough to ignore. Thirteenth Earth birthday is so ironic, I mean, if she was thirteen, she'd be a very immature thirteen. The shallowness is so boringly predictable. Then, sadly, for libbo, it looks like she wears ass-padding. Some of the lines are so appropriate...
Supergirl....: If you hurt her...
White Martian: You'll what?... whine at me?

Did you ever notice that the bad guys almost always have natural teeth, or even bad teeth, except the top villains, of course. You can always tell. The good guys, and the top villains, on the other hand, always have perfect teeth, too perfect, actually, especially the stars. Suspending reality can only go so far.

The most consistent flaw is, in almost every episode, Supergirl fails due to insensitivity, egocentricity, and self-centered-ness and then in the last minute or two, a complete change of character is contrived to save the day. From her own consistent mistakes. And she just loves the applause too much.

Not to mention the typical alcohol dependency.

What may be the most disappointing thing is her immature, insecure, weak, illogical, egocentric mind. So I play games and glance up now and then, pausing, rewinding, stopping, even. Pity to prude who lies about her feelings, for a lying prude stands alone. And the alien in the ridiculously see-through disguise hangs out at the alien bar and nobody, not one human or alien, sees through it. Denial is the human way, but aliens do it even better. So pathetic. Then there's the unbelievable sudden shifts in emotions, again, making them more unbelievable. No depth at all. Before we wander off to some better entertainment, before all intelligence gives way to illogical fallacies, let's not forget about human frailty, of course, the essence of human drama. Naturally aliens have the same guilt, flaws and weaknesses. Duh. But her selfish insensitivity and egocentricity overwhelm the experience of this show.

Besides the self-centered immaturity, he fake teeth are distracting too. lol.

Sadly, the story is seldom good enough to overcome that.

And then they did it, religion, delusion, madness.

People really don't know the difference.

Worse, people think there is one.

Narf :)

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