Tuesday, March 9, 2010

idol growing on me

ok, so i adore the dream of singing because i love singing and so i tune in again to american idol and i am hopeful that someone will seriously wow me and while there's still no absolute wow, anyone singing house of the rising sun without making want to scream shut up has me smiling (cuz it's a favorite song)... simon was right, she could have done it better, especially with her range, but she must go on another week and is in my top five for tonight... lacey makes it too, but just behind siobhan… the first one is not ready, katie, too young and inexperienced, but definitely has potential talent… katelyn disappointed, but still should move along… before the show started didi and paige were the ones who should go… let’s see if they can change my mind…

meanwhile, I love what somebody is doing on wikipedia

didi challenges me with a stevi nicks song (I adore stevi)… didi is no stevi nicks… she might make it in a folk club, but she’s gone from idol… wow, the audience almost didn’t applaud… that was so karaoke… club talent, maybe, but not superstar… and simon and kara are amazing in their positive comments (which other singers on the show tonight deserved but did not get), but maybe they do what they do for the show… and the paige singing another of my favorite songs… and she is gone for me too… and all four judges agree… will voters react to save her because the judges all put her down… I stand by my two elimations…

crystal rises to the top once again… she’s my top candidate for American idol and win or lose, she’s got a career ahead of her… she really does need to fill the gap in her teeth though, in spite of the authenticity it gives her, an idol winner can afford perfect teeth… but perfect look or not, she’s my number one this week…

coming into this week, lilly shared that number one spot with crystal last week or whenever I last saw them, so it’ll be interesting to see what she can do tonight… sioban and lacey fill our my top four girls.. katelyn and katie make it for me, but with kara and simon behind did, she might beat out katie…

lilly is adorable… and so my six are picked in this order (I know you’ve been dying for me to do this, shhh, don’t pretend you aren’t dying to know… we won’t tell)… she’s number two for me, soiban a close third, then lacey, katelyn, and katie…

of course the best singer or performer does not always win idol…

but I love singing and the dream…

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